Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Miyah & JaeLynne's Birth Story

Miyah & JaeLynne’s Birth Story

*April 17, 2012*
After weeks of experiencing random days of 8-hour contractions that quit and seemed to be pointless, I really just figured that this was going to be another sleepless night full of work for no reason at all.  We went to bed around 10 and around 1045pm I started to become really uncomfortable. I was able to sleep in between the really bad contractions and right through the small ones, but by 2 am, I was up.

*April 18, 2012*
2am-3am ~ More contractions, mucous plug lost - it didn’t seem like much so I kept waiting for more to come.

3am-7am ~ Contractions are increasingly intense. Walking around is becoming a nuisance so I make my way to our bedroom and “set up camp” at the end of our bed. It was just too much work and too uncomfortable to climb into bed. I’m really feeling like THIS IS IT! But I’ve been so disappointed before that I really try not to get my hopes up. I’m not even “due” for  another week or so and none of my babies have ever come “early”.

700am ~ FINALLY my water breaks. What a relief!!! After gushing for a while and wondering if it would ever stop, a tiny baby girl arrives - I get to catch her because Coby had been taking care of the other kids. He happened to be in the hallway at the time and I look up at him and say, “Isn’t she kind of small??” and lay her down on the towels & mats below me. I’m really wanting to sit and get comfortable so I can hold her and start nursing her before too much time passes but another wave of contractions come on and I realize ---- THERE ARE TWO BABIES!

716am ~ The second baby arrives. Another girl! At this point, I am shocked - there are twins - and a little saddened - Corbyn doesn’t get a brother. It’s funny what your brain thinks is important enough to think about at certain times.

Since we’d anticipated a boy, had a name picked out, bought one car seat - the non-carrier-type, and pulled some (mostly boy) clothes, we were a bit overwhelmed with two girls. The only thing we had for a girl was a name. I kept wondering what we’d name the other one. That for some reason stressed me out a lot! Coby suggested splitting the name, but I didn’t like that idea at first. It grew on me after a few minutes  and after a bit, Faith and Hope seemed to be fitting middle names. 

We now had…
♥Miyah Faith born at 700am. She was 4lb 5oz and 17” long &
♥JaeLynne Hope born at 716am. She was 4lb 1oz and 18” long.

I believe that there’s a bit of God’s grace provided for unknown circumstances. He just seems to take care of us. I’ll never doubt his presence in the entire pregnancy, delivery, and first weeks of the twins lives.

We were immediately blessed by friends, family & our church family with prayer, gifts & food. The outpouring of love and offerings was amazing.

I’ve never had so many trials, feelings of failure, and absolute awareness of God’s presence in my life as I had the first 5 weeks of their lives. But every single second of that has been so worth it! The saying “This, too, shall pass…” has run through my mind more times during all of this than ever before. Right now, life with them is a bit crazier and much more hectic than before, but it’s absolutely perfect. ♥

*July 11, 2012*
They are 12 weeks today. Miyah is 7lb 8.5oz and JaeLynne is 7lb 7.5oz. They are so big and so strong. They’re so precious and such a blessing!

We are quiver-full and ready for another exciting chapter & adventure of parenthood. ♥

•The girls are wearing the same newborn-sized jammies in both pictures. The second picture was taken somewhere within a week of them being born & they were swimming in those jammies.•