Monday, June 28, 2010

6/28 I'm ready.... but my house is not!

I'm ready. I'm ready to have this baby! I'm 38 1/2 weeks. The pregnancy, all in all, has been good. I could have done without the 4 months of incurable "morning (24/7) sickness" but the rest of the pregnancy has been great. I'm in the stage now where no matter what I do, my lower back and hips hurt, but it's WAY more bearable than the nauseousness. :)

The house is not ready. We don't live in a pig-sty. It's not filthy - the vacuuming and dishes are kept up on and my other kids (5 & 3) love to dust, so that's not the problem... It's the windows and little areas of clutter and the yard and garden. It's also deep scrubbing the bathrooms and making sure that the baby clothes/diapers/wipes are in order. I'm not sure why clothes will matter when the baby will just be in a diaper for the first few weeks of their life because it's summer, but it does!

Why does pregnancy bring this overwhelming need to rearrange, reorganize, and reevaluate everything?

So today, I'll be doing everything that I can - probably exhausting myself - to prepare for the upcoming arrival. :-) (Like s/he'll care...) But it's what I need to do - for my own sanity - what's left of it anyway. ;-)


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